Saturday, October 10, 2015


We decided to return to a lake we hadn't been to in 11 years. That's getting to be a long time. We'd fished Fiesta, Ironside, etc lately, as well as the Ram, and the browns are starting to spawn here, so we opted to do something out of the ordinary. Saturday was +24C and the wind was down, and surely there'd be boatmen falling. Last time we were at this lake, we caught several fish and AJ managed one in the 3 - 4 pound range (have to check the old albums) during the flying ant hatch. But it was only 1 that size, the rest less than 14". We arrived and unloaded the boat and gear. I knew it would be a slog to the lake, walking down the cut line, through the old burn (I recall fighting that fire back in the FS days in '95), and through the muskeg. It was a good effort to get to the lake with the needed gear. We timed it perfectly. Within 30 minutes of arriving, the air warmed beautifully and fish began rising. Raindrops of boatmen pitter-pattered the lake and fish were aggressively taking them. It began 4 hours of see a rise, cast, catch a fish, repeat, repeat, repeat... If a cast went without a trout, you'd hear a rise beside or behind you, lift, and flip to it as you turned, usually getting a take. ADD kids would have a hey-day. Hell, we both felt like we were ADD kids for those hours. It was a ton of fun. We landed well in excess of well, lots. Easily 25/hr. None were really big, the largest maybe 17". Most were 10 to 14". Not much has changed. But they were "on", and we had a ton of fun.

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