Saturday, October 3, 2015

4 hours

My waders are being repaired. The ones that fit me enough to allow me to hike the Ram that is. The other pair I have at home right now ride high on the inner thigh, and the boys let you know quickly that walking 15km isn't going to be met with open arms. It was a frosty morning in the high country and while the hike in was easy in my wading boots and quick dry pants, I had a hunch my boys weren't going to be overly excited about their treatment down in the shady, frosty canyon waters. But, it was 11 am and they'd be happy enough by 2.
The fall weather continues to provide wonderful fishing. While the Ram in the canyon is slightly off color, levels are way up for this time of the year, and the water is really cold but for 4 hours of the day (which is about when the fish are active), if your expectations are in line with all those factors, things can turn out wonderfully. It was pretty hard not to enjoy +22C with nary a breath of wind or spot of cloud.

The fishing through the entire west country is great right now where conditions merit. The Clearwater, RDR, and lower Ram are all out, but most every other water is in good shape. The lakes are fishing very well.

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