Saturday, August 1, 2015

Lesson Learned & a few nice fish

It's amazing when you don't know what you don't know.
But you can't fix stupid.
The new battery system works quite well, thank you, and last night we were able to escape the lightning that came in. In fact, we stayed ahead of it.
We managed to fish and do quite well, the hatch coming off just at dusk. We sat and waited on one run. The bugs began and the fish responded. A few tanks cruised up the inside seam, sucking big bugs. One in particular was of interest as his wake sent a silver seam up the shoreline as he fed and cruised. We hooked him up and where once there had been 4 other fish rising within 20 yards, after he ran and jumped 6 times there were no risers. A nice 27" brown.
The other came at the far end of the run, in the tailout, bankside. The trout simply waited for the duns that emerged in the muddy shorelines above to drift to the tailout seam where it sat. There were two other smaller fish feeding as well, but when a white wake is left behind and only a small pop is heard, you cast to that fish. 25". Again, once landed, there were no others rising for all the commotion.
It was a great night out, with a few good fish landed. Some were simply landed too late to photograph!

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