Thursday, August 6, 2015

Alberta Fisheries Round Table Update

Fisheries Round Table Participants:

First, I want to apologize for the long delay in getting the minutes of the April meeting posted on the Round Table website ( The reason for the delay, and responsibility, are mine. However, by the time you receive this, the minutes will be posted.
We are working to complete the action items identified in the minutes. Some are done; others are in the works. Material will be posted as it is completed, so please check the website occasionally. When significant actions are complete, we can notify you by e-mail.
We have started planning for the next meeting. The scheduled date is Saturday, October 16, 2010. Matt Besko has been in touch with representatives of the Alberta Fish and Game Association to discuss options for partnering for the meeting. As mentioned at the end of the last meeting, we are considering holding the next meeting at a location other than Edmonton (and area). Locations considered include Calgary and Red Deer. I said we would poll the Round Table participants to determine the group's preference for the location of the next meeting. Please let Nicole Bouclin-Graves know, by August 20, 2010, your willingness to meet at a different location and preference for the location of the next meeting (e-mail to
Watch for more information on the next meeting. We will provide an update at the end of August (at least report on the location).
Please feel free to contact myself or Matt Besko at about Round Table items at any time. I look forward to the next meeting. Hope you are all having a great summer and getting lots of opportunities to enjoy Alberta's outdoors.

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