Sunday, November 26, 2017

Top 15 of Canadian 2012 - #10 - The Simplest

Back in July Amelia & I were once again home together and able to book a day off to fish together. As I wrote in the blog post about the day, it had been some time since we visited this little alpine lake.

Now, this blog post won't go into too much detail as the trip was covered well in that blog post.
The fishing was wonderful, everything you'd expect from a postcard (remember those?) afternoon. I'd hiked in my boots and chosen not to wear my sandals. I waded wet & barefoot and covered maybe 150m of shoreline. Lots of fish, sure. The sun felt so good. The water so refreshing. As we came upon the mossy clearing of the lake, the wet moss in the sun felt sooo good.

But there were two moments that set themselves apart that day and they comprise #10 on the Top 15 list.

First - the barefoot lunch. After catching a whack of fish - and it was an addict's dream as wee fish after fish came past and the sight-fishing wonderful -  Amelia & I sat and had lunch. No biggie as the world turns, but the 1/2 hr we took to sit and eat little ciabatta bun sandwiches, twinkling your toes in the cool, wet moss with your wife on day off in the mountains, not a care in the world... those are pretty good moments in time. Just the fact we can, sometimes, is the gift.

Not to undermine that moment...

Later that evening, another moment equalled that lunch moment. We simply enjoyed doing something we'd not done together in years. We van camped. Simple As. No bugs, no clouds, a sky full of stars, no wind, and a moon that barely skirted the horizon. The doors all open, the music playing. Warm. And we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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