The following email comes from New Zealand. There is one of the country's fabled rivers at a cross roads. The Oreti R has seen a multitude of management scenarios through the years, the present fisheries management critically dependant upon angler etiquette and common respect in spreading use of the river through a walk only reach that is essentially user managed. It works reasonably well. The river produces some massive trout. At issue today is a proposal to build a bicycle route along the river, through the walk access only. Where the current 'park in this stall if you are fishing beats 1, 2, or 3 and hike in to your beat' system is simple, the proposed bike route will see a massive change to a relatively small water with few, large fish. It really will change the dynamics of the river's fishing. It also ties in to the long term vision of the region, and how remote areas will be managed and/or developed, and how that ties in to the 20, 50, and 100 year visions. If you look at the bigger picture, this is not simply about a small bike route with b&bs/cafes pitted against a few fish, it's symptomatic about so much more - how a small country like NZ will cope with the ongoing changes brought with economic expansion on a small landbase.
For more, for the application, for the background, etc, please visit the NZ FF Forum:
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