Saturday, January 16, 2016

For those in the depths of winter

Greetings once more from the South Island of New Zealand, where the weather was a brilliant, sunny +32C here today.
A couple days back we were lucky enough to finally be in close proximity to a small spring creek that I'd been on to for a couple of years, but had never had means to get to it. It's only 15km in but to hike in, fish all day and then to have to leave, that just wasn't going to happen for what appeared to be 1km of water. Alas, this year we have the mountain bikes, so AJ & I set off, up over one pass and down the other side, gliding a good long ways, then doing a little hummocky section. It was a good ride.
When we arrived, it was obvious that there would be a fish or two in the creek, with a few fingers coming together to form a small freestone stream. As we waded up, the fingers fell apart and we ultimately found ourselves fishing a spring creek perhaps 3 feet wide and perhaps knee deep. And the rainbows were abundant and in the 2 to 4.5 pound range. Some pockets had 2 or 3 nice, carbon copy trout. Another great little find!
So, for anyone in the midst of winter back home, and it looks like many of you are, here's a few vicarious photos for you to live through...

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