Sunday, February 22, 2015

Nick Pujic leaves Canadian Fly Fisher Magazine

In case you weren't in the loop, Nick Pujic is in the process of leaving Canadian Fly Fisher Magazine. Nick is largely responsible for the design flair and creative content change the magazine enjoyed the past 7+ years (I might be short on that Nick). His enthusiasm and honesty are unique amongst magazines - few have ever been so open, willing to share, learn, and grow - both himself and with others. He brought a lot to the magazine industry in Canada. If a couple other fly fishing magazines could learn from his integrity, it would be a big step forward. I know I'll miss working with him because he was one of few in the industry that I could trust to follow up on word given to a project or as a sounding board to ideas. As a writer, I only write for and work with magazines that I can trust. I'll miss Nick @ Canadian Fly Fisher, but look forward to continuing to work with the CanFF Magazine.

"Dear friends,
There comes a time within everyone’s professional career when tough decisions must be made in order to continue self development and a healthy and prosperous lifestyle. That time for me has come.
In order to focus my full energy and resources on Fly Max Films, my true passion, I would like to inform you that I’ve decided to move on from my post at The Canadian Fly Fisher Magazine, and divest the ownership of my shares, effective March 1st, 2010. This decision was not an easy one, however I’m very excited about my future ventures.
I know that along side executive producer Paul Langford and producer Tim Myers, Fly Max Films will reach new heights and will set a new standard for fly fishing television productions. I also plan on continuing my role with Hatches Magazine.
Below you will find points of contact at CFF who will be taking over my responsibilities:
Please contact Liz Marshall, of The Canadian Fly Fisher Magazine, in regards to any advertising and marketing matters at
Please contact Chris Marshall, of The Canadian Fly Fisher Magazine, in regards to any editorial or content matters at
Please contact Jason Marshall, of The Canadian Fly Fisher Magazine, in regards to account receivable / payable matters at

Thank you all for all of your help and support over the years. I’ve enjoyed working with you, and certainly hope that we stay in touch.
Your support and friendship were very much valued, and I look forward to working with you again.
Should you ever have a need for video production services, no matter how big or small, or if you would like to stay in touch, never hesitate to contact me directly at 613.779.9417 or at my new e-mail address at
From the bottom of my heart, I wish you the very best!


Nick Pujic
Office: 613.779.9417

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