Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Once in a Blue Moon DVD

In case you haven't heard of it, and being a New Zealand dvd you might not, a recent release of Once in a Blue Moon has won awards and given accolades.
"Filmed in stunning high definition the film features some of the most incredible fly fishing cinematography yet seen. Three years in the making ‘Once in a Blue moon’ portrays the incredible story of a once in a lifetime event.
Set amongst the spectacular scenery of southern New Zealand, a most strange and bizarre tale unfolds. The stuff of folklore, ‘Once in a Blue Moon’ unravels the mystery of an event that occurs briefly once a decade. This strange and unreal journey takes us into some of the most remote and beautiful parts of New Zealand as we follow one anglers quest to document and unravel a childhood mystery and catch the fish of a lifetime.
In an unpredictable chain of events a mass flowering of the ancient New Zealand Beech forest leads to an excess of seed production. Mice and rodents take advantage of this abundance and numbers reach plague proportions. Incredible footage follows these rodents as they embark on a strange migration, attempting to swim across the expanse of New Zealand’s rivers and lakes. There they fall prey to the largest predators in the waterways - monster Brown and Rainbow trout. Gorging themselves on swimming mice, these fish become extremely aggressive and grow to epic proportions. For a fly fishing Angler, this is the stuff dreams are made of. This bizarre phenomenon has remained a mystery, until now… Shot in beautiful high definition ‘Once in a Blue Moon’ reveals this bizarre story. Stunning cinematography, never before seen underwater footage, fantastic fly fishing and amazing trout behavior will take you deep into the tale of the fabulous and mysterious “Mouse Year”. Once in a Blue moon is receiving critical acclaim from viewers and reviewers alike, with the general consensus being that not only is this the most beautiful fly fishing film produced; it has further lifted the bar for fly fishing films."

On a personal note, having watched it just yesterday, all the above is true. It is a wonderful art work. The video, music, transitions, cinematic style and atmosphere are all what the industry needed to make a professional turn away from the gonzo world of alternative fly fishing video that we've seen creep in. It is as good as any video I've seen. That all said, it fell quite a way short of being what many are saying it is. The plot fell off the story line for 1/3 the duration, and the focus fell away from large brown trout in lakes to river rainbows far too soon. The coverage of fishing night time browns was under developed, left as a foot note of 30 seconds discussion. It was if the producers went fishing 2 days - one day of fishing browns in a lake and a day of rainbows in a river and called it a wrap. The point is understood - that the watershed ecosystem produces more biomass available to everything - including trout - during a beech mast year. However, far more could have been done had there been more time allotted to developing sub plots and building the mystery of those. A 90 minute production could have explored far more avenues than what was presented and another year of filming and assembling such footage would have taken this from a very good production to one of epic, impossible to replicate standards. Instead of being the piece of art that nobody dares to attempt to replicate, like a classic Stones or Clapton album, it leaves the door wide open to many copy cats that will undoubtedly arise, taking the bar higher for all the wrong reasons. All told, however, it's an excellent art work and comes highly recommended. For the critical eye, 7 of 10. For those that just love watching fly fishing entertainment, 10 of 10.

Monday, September 29, 2014

A change in fortune

Recently, the fishing on the Red Deer R went through a particularly bad spell. Not unusual for the river, just following the hot, dry weather pattern of late summer and well into Sept. When the weather turns down a notch, things pick up. At the peak of the heat, forget any great shakes. So it was that I hosted a fellow on the river - he'd come previously and worked some very good fish on the river before it blew out in the annual equinox storm - the very storm we didn't get this year (the first time in 15 years). The first two days were hot, sunny, horrible fishing. We landed fish - almost accomplishing the dreaded Red Deer R grand slam - the troutless one. Tough days with nothing rising, trout hunkered down. Day three, we abandoned the river and set forth in search of browns in other places. We hit a water out west, one that I had literally fished with Amelia the day before my guest's arrival and had a stellar day of good fish. Day three was marginally better than 1 & 2 of this fellow's trip, the conditions much tougher for his day on this water than it was for AJ & I. We caught several fish, but nothing more than 15".
I dropped him off at the hotel and headed home, exhausted from the hours of looking, hiking, rowing, etc the 3 days. He went for Chinese food. This would be a bit of an innocuous happening, if it weren't for him showing up the last morning. He held out his hand and shook it, then slipped this into my hand:

So, there we were, Chinese fortune cookie in our hip pocket. Why hadn't I thought of that? As he handed the fortune to me, he simply said,"No pressure, but I've been up for hours".

That day I had been planning since his first day. The forecast on day 2 and 3 of his trip were of frost overnight, leading to cooler afternoons. The last day, it was the day I hoped for. The night was warmer, the sun was beating down, no wind, no clouds. That day was the day I hoped for - and took him to one of our favorite spring creeks that we discovered last fall.

We walked the tiny spring creek, sight fishing as we went. The browns weren't all co-operative but they were certainly more active than anything the previous days. We slowly walked along the edge, looking into the water New Zealand style. Were we rewarded? The fortune cookie was simply the ultimate foreshadowing, with several of these trout...
followed by three fish in one wonderful run that were all in this size range:
It was a massive change in fortune. All from a spring creek that runs 3 feet wide and 5" deep in its riffles. All resident fish that we've visited and gotten to know quite well. Incredible. It makes me want to eat at more Chinese joints.

Friday, September 26, 2014

CAPE VERDE: hot Arpil marlin action

Hot blue marlin action in Cape Verde Islands. Here the last fishing reports from top captain Zak Conde on Amelia and Olaf Grimkowski on Andromeda

Zak Conde:We fished off San Nicolau island, Santo Antao Island and the North West Bank and caught nine Blue Marlin in the last eight days well up to 500 lbs

Olaf Grimkowski: yesterday we went to the North West Bank again and on the way there

FRANCE: giant 100 pound common carp caught!

At 6.45 pm on Tuesday the 23rd of April 2013 lucky angler Colin Smith was fishing in France in Etang Saussaie lake, Perthes in the Champagne - Ardenne when he hooked a monster size common carp.

The huge fish was 100 lb and 8 oz very very close to the World Record. While the current record for the species overall is 101 lb and 4 oz. Back then it was just 7 oz shy of the world record, but

POLAND: 4th Poland Salmon Trolling Masters

Salmo Team took part in this new salmon competition into the Baltic sea.

During the three days trolling near the towns of Jastarnia and Hel more than 40 salmons between 6 and 16 kilo have been caught!

It was a debut for teams Dragon and Salmo so they are happy with results - 5th and 6th places. During the tournament were of tested the new Salmo trolling spoon - two salmons caught on

Monday, September 22, 2014

UK: angler missed record skate because release it!

Angler David Griffiths caught an huge skate after a one hour and half battle and set a new UK record for the specie but it will not stand because he refused to kill it.He hooked the 106 kg - 235 lb monster at 500 feet below the sea off Oban in north Scotland.This huge monster size skate’s was a really beautiful fish. And the skipper said it’s a new British record. But rules say fish must

Sunday, September 21, 2014

USA: giant warsaw grouper of 358 pound

Here the image of one of the biggest warsaw gropuer ever landed. This huge fish was 358 pound or 162 kilo.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

ECUADOR: Galapagos marlin report of April

Here the last report from San Cristobal in Galapagos Islands from Ecuagringo.

Continuing our tradition of bringing anglers and some of the best marlin fishing together this last week has been no exception. Conditions continue with wonderful weather most days. Calm seas and water temps ranging from 74 to 77 in most areas. Marlin action has been decent most of the week.

April 15, 2013 the

Friday, September 19, 2014

ARGENTINA: Terra del Fuego trout report

This report was reported by Roxton Company and about Tierra del Fuego 2013 Season report in Argentina Patagonia. The past season on The Rio Grande river has been classified as a normal good year. Any way the impressive records demonstrate how easily perspective is lost down here: There were 3,029 sea trout landed, weighed and measured at the two lodges

The largest fish of the season was a

NORWAY: winter fishing video for monster cod

A great YouTube fishing video filmed in north Norway. Lots huge monster Atlantic cods caught with temperature under 0 degree. Fishes well over 60 pound. This is the full version of 18 minutes.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

USA: huge brown trout in Vermont

According with the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Dept, angler Taylor Crawford caught this huge brown trout while fishing at Sherman Reservoir and entered it into Vermont Fish & Wildlife's Angler Program!
No weight and length was provided but could be well over 15 lb.

IRELAND: 9 pound sea trout

Last week there were some wild days on Lough Currane and in one of them all the fishing boats on the north side were blown off the lake.

But the same couldn’ t be said on the south side, where angler Van Der laan
, from Holland, fishing with his fishing guide
Wharton erence, caught the first nice Sea Trout of the season, while trolling: this trout weight 9 lbs.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

USA: a 1,000 lb white shark caught in Florida

A big white shark estimated to measure 13 or 14 feet and weigh between 850 - 1,000 pounds was caught and released last Tuesday off Fort Lauderdale, Florida.The anglers aboard the "Hooked Up" fought the massive shark for around 2 hours. The crew expected to see a bull shark at the end of the line because white shark catches are rare off Florida."No one knew what it was until we got it to

Sunday, September 14, 2014

MEXICO: spectacular underwater marlin video

A big schools of striped marlin attack sardine schools off Baja California in Mexico. This great video answers the questions about how these marlin use their bills to feed. More than 1 million views on YouTube

FRANCE: northern pike of 39 pound

In France on lake Doubs were landed in just two weeks 2 northern pikes of 39 lb (17 kilo)

The first one was landed by Melvyn Parent with a fish of 17,700 kg and with a length of 120 cm

The second one was fished by angler named Nicolas, with a pike of 17,420 kg
and with a lenght of
1,19 m.

Both fishes were released.

USA: 77 lb flathead catfish caught in Phoenix

A big flathead catfish was landed in Phoenix in Arizona's probably the heaviest ever recorded here.

The "State Game and Fish" officials report that, on Bartlett Lake northwest of Phoenix, angler Eddie Wilcoxson was sleeping on his 25 foot wood pontoon boat early last week end when a big flathead catfish began taking drag.

About 40 minutes later,
boated what officials say is a

Saturday, September 13, 2014

COSTA RICA: 90 plus pound amberjack

An huge amberjack was landed in Costa Rica at Fishing Nosara centre in Playa Guiones.

The "Explorer", infact caught the biggest Amberjack ever seen here on April 10 with Bradford Kuhns and young Thomas Donnelly. This monster amberjack was estimated to weigh 90plus pound


Friday, September 12, 2014

PUERTO RICO: huge 585 pound swordfish

The crew on the "M&M" in Juan of Puerto Rico got a great reward for their efforts on a nighttime sword-fishing trip.

They landed a 585 lbs - 265 kg swordfish, which is probably one of the largest ever caught off the Island. Angler Rivera
fought and boated this huge fish on 80 lbs tackle.

USA: 1000 lb white shark caught in Florida

A 1000 lb white shark was caught in Florida by a teen. All the story in this video

HAWAII: great shark attack video

Here the official video of Isaac "Rocket" Brumaghim that was fishing off Hawaii on a kayak.

The footage shows the shark attacking the fish at the water's surface, just 8- or 10 feet from the kayak...

IRELAND: huge 115 lb skate froma small boat

The three friends Peter, Scarb and
made a quick run to the Maidens in the Atlantic Ocean off Ireland coasts.
We went out to the place for the last hour or so of the ebb, then hopefully fish the whole flood tide up to 8.00 pm.

We all stuck down a skate bait and it wasn’t long before my rod nearly got pulled from the holder. The fish just took off, never had one run so quickly from

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

USA: mako shark of over 550 lb caught from the shore

Surf fishing angler Will Smith was fishing for sharks past midnight on a Florida beach when his reel started singing as the line started racing out to indicate a huge shark.
fought the huge fish for around 45 minute that resulted in a prized great mako catch.He beached a behemoth mako shark measuring 10 feet, 8 inches in length with a sixty inch girth.According to some weight

USA: new Kansas record for blue catfish

A Kansas fishing couple have their personal records.

In fact Stefanie Stanley, reeled in a 82 pound blue catfish at Milford Reservoir in Kansas the past weeknd. Rich Witt, (Catfish Chasers tournament iowner) said that probably it is the largest blue catfish ever caught at Milford, and the largest from any lake in Kansas.

As big as it is, though, it was about twenty pounds shy of her

IGFA: hot catches news April 2013

Here all the hot catches news of April

IGFA Captain Yann Colas has been guiding anglers out of Mauritius for years. During his time on this island nation in the Indian Ocean, he has put anglers on some amazing catches – the most recent being a dogtooth tuna (Gymnosanda unicolor) that tipped the scales at 28.5 kg (62 lb 13 oz). French angler Cecile Klein was slow trolling a live bonito off

Monday, September 8, 2014

CHINA: strange unknow sea creature found

A strange unknown sea creature was found in China in Qingdao
off China’s Shandong Province.

This strange and mysterious creature seems to be an unknown kind of shark.

The vertebral column with skull, measuring 11 feet 5 inches in length.

VIDEO: bass eats an other bass of the same size

A bass eat an other bass of the same size in this video filmed on Lake Austin, in Texas

Saturday, September 6, 2014

ITALY: huge northern pike of 40 lb

This monster pike of 49 inch - 126 centimetre per 40 lb - 17,8 kilo was caught by angler on lake San Valentino alla Muta (Haidersee lake) in Alto Adige on the northern part of Italy. Not clear if it was released or not.


PHOTOS: wonderful fishing gilrs

Wonderful pics of fishing gilrs in bikini...

Thursday, September 4, 2014

HAWAII: pending world record marlin landed

Lot of action in Hawaii island in the Pacific Ocean.

The last week of March leading up to the full moon saw height big Blue Marlin over 500 pound mark caught.

This included both a Grander Blue Marlin for boat "Fire Hat"t as well as a new pending women’s "IGFA World Record" (www.igfa.org) for Capt. Chip Van Mols and angler Alex Nuttal for their 958 pound.
The current record was 950 caught

VIDEO: Jewfish over population

A Jewfish over population underwater video

MEXICO: sailfish isla Mujeres underwater video

A great underwater salfish action video filmed at isla Mujeres in Mexico

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

ITALY: hot action on Po river

Lot of action on Po river in northern Italy. Junior angler Nikita caught this beautiful zander of 95 cm and 22 lb - 11 kg the first day of fishing.

The second day to Andy Waller camp
caught a wels catfish of 7.7 feet - 231cm form an estimated weight of around 200 lb - 90 kg


ANGOLA: huge guinean barracuda

This giant Guinean great barracuda of 102 lbs (46.4 kg) and 6 feet 11 inches was caught on a Rapala lure while trolling for tarpon Fishing on the Rio Qwanza in Angola (Africa) by angler Thomas Gibson. This is the pending IGFA World Record.

NEWS: a rare fish, the leopard king salmon

An other strange image of a rare fish the leopard king salmon...... :)

Monday, September 1, 2014

PANAMA: an other huge snook ove 50 lb

According with Panama Fishing Magazine Facebook page this monster snook was landed in Panama waters.
The lucky angler was Manuel Zambrano Dufau that caught this huge 53 lb 24 kg snook.


USA: 54.5 lbs flathead catfish

A good size flathead catfish was landed last week end in Florida. This 54,5 lb and 46 inches long catfish was fished on Escambia River.

Florida Is waking up boys The Spring Bite is on.
